Visits from Central Office Staff

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I am excited to announce a new approach key personnel from central office will be taking this school year.  Each “Director” has been asked to create and share a Visitation Schedule with each building in APPS.

  • Dr. Sokol, Director of Special Education (Special Education Staff)
  • Dr. Tafelski, Director of Curriculum
  • Mr. Dawson, Director of Human Resources

Each month, our directors will make themselves available for our staff members within the staff member’s home building.  It is our hope as an administrative team that these meetings will start to foster a supportive and collaborative environment.  Our directors are happy to meet with any staff member to discuss any questions you may have within their area of speciality.

Dr. Sokol has created a schedule for his Special Education staff members. However, Dr. Sokol is more than happy to meet with any staff member who may have questions or concerns regarding students, process, policies, etc. Please reach out to Dr. Sokol to schedule an individual or group appointment.

Question:  What if I have a question but can’t make one of the scheduled meetings?  

Answer:  All three directors are more than willing to set up individual meetings, have discussions over the phone or interact through email.  Please reach out to them.

Question:  Can we meet as a group or is this set up for individual meetings?

Answer:  It is up to the staff members.  If a staff members needs a private meeting that can be accommodated.  If a group of staff members want to meet, bring your coffee and catch up with the appropriate administrator during one of their visits or schedule a time for a visit.


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