Allen Park Police Patrolling School Zones


The Allen Park Police Department has provided notice to the Superintendent’s Office that due to concerns for student safety as well as citizen complaints, they will be patrolling areas surrounding the schools for traffic violations during peak arrival and dismissal times.

Please use areas identified as “Student Drop-Off” zones for the sole purpose of dropping off a student – not parking.  Police will focus on no parking zones, drop-off zones, crosswalks and residential driveways. Handicapped parking spots should not be used as a drop-off zone.  Be sure to use designated parking areas if you need to leave your car and come into the building.  Also, be sure that when parking, you are not in an area marked no parking, student drop-off or blocking a crosswalk or driveway of a residence.

We have been informed that the Allen Park Police Department will issue tickets for violations via U.S. Mail by using the license plate as the driver identification.  Cost of parking violation ticket is up to $150.

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